Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Jimmy 2011

Aloha friends and JBors,

March has begun, which, of course, means the return of everyone's favorite NCAA tournament pool and article series started and managed by a Chicago centric, Hawaii themed online sports periodical: The JBorhood March Madness Extravaganza! (or the Jimmy, as all the cool kids call it).

As always, the winner gets to choose the topic of a future JBorhood article (be still your beating hearts).

You don't need to know anything about basketball to join. In fact, given the unpredictability of March Madness, it's usually a good thing. And, in the Jimmy, everybody wins. I will write articles throughout the tournament and hand out awards to every participant. That's right, if you join, I will write something about you. A little snippet of awesome, all about you. Can you really pass that up? No. No you can't. So sign up now and tell all your friends.

Sign-up here (Yahoo ID required. If you have any problems signing up let me know and I'll snap to it like a hyper-active pterodactyl on Red Bull.):

Good luck and happy bracketing!


Anonymous said...

This is the dumbest shit I have ever read.. This guy knows no sports and talks about himself in 3rd person.. Obviously another computer nerd that hasn't played any sports in his life..loser lol.. Just wasted 5 mins of my life I'll never get back due to this waste of web space.

The Dole said...

My very first hater. How awesome. Now I know I've finally arrived.