Friday, January 20, 2006

I've got fan(s) baby!!

I've only been open for business for two days, and four posts now and I'm already picking up a fan base. World, be warned, I come out swining! Anyhow, the first comment from my ever growing fan base was pretty awesome and I felt it had to be shared with the world. Taking shots at the Sox and Panthers in one fell swoop. BOO-YAH!

This is from my current #1 fan and all time greatest J-bor: TrickyV. Witty, funny, and sexier then a pair of Panther Cheerleaders.

What's up Chicago Sports Fans...I'd take a moment to say that while the Chicago White Sox may have been active participants in last year's World Series, they will forever wish their sox were filling cub shoes.

As for DA BEARSH, while their defense may have initially been manhandled by the Panthers, in the end, the Panthers just got a lucky break...stupid pussies (cats...I mean).

In reference to the impossibly cool blog site that is theJ-Borhood, very stylin', as one would only expect.

You stay classy Chicago...

Peace to the Dole...XOXO

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