Monday, March 15, 2010

Return of the Jimmy - 2010

As the ides of March approach and the Guiness Draught flows freely through the streets, we convene once again for that sacred rite of March...

The JBorhood March Madness Extravaganza! (aka the J.M.M.E or "The Jimmy", as we few, we happy few, like to call it)

It's your chance to prove, once and for all (for the fourth year in a row), that pluck, verve, and luck, will triumph over knowledge, experience, an understanding of the basic rules of basketball, staggeringly good looks, and an amazing set of dimples every time.

As always, the winner wins the right to select the topic for a JBorhood article.

So grab a cup of coffee, your local sports section, and fill out your bracket now.

To sign up, click on the following link (the password is: jborhood):

NOTE: The sign-up process requires a Yahoo ID. When you click on the link, Yahoo will ask you to log-in to your account. If you do not have a Yahoo account, click on the "Sign Up" link to create one. Once you have signed in, Yahoo will ask you to select a "Bracket Name". This refers to the name of your entry in the league. Enter the name you would like others to see when looking at your name in the standings. Creativity is admired, but not required.

FYI: After signing up, you have to fill out your bracket. Yes, Dad, your ENTIRE bracket, unless you think the tournament will miraculous end at the Final Four.

If you have any questions, email me at Otherwise, LET THE MADNESS BEGIN!!!

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