Friday, April 04, 2008

JBorhood Quick Hit #1

My recent focus on The Jimmy as well as a recent trip to California and numerous mid-week engagements have disrupted the JBorhood’s weekly schedule, but never fear! The JBorhood will resume normal working order next week Friday. In order to tide you over until then, I’m going to post a number of short articles to keep you up to date during the interim. I know it seems like an eternity now, but we’ll get through this together. Hold on for one more day!

JBorhood Quick Hit #1: Cleveland Browns defensive back Kenny Wright arrested for marijuana possession

You’ve never heard of Kenny Wright.

I’ve never heard of Kenny Wright.

So, why do we care?

Well, Kenny was arrested after a half-mile foot chase that began in the Police parking lot. For Kenny’s sake, I’ll kindly gloss over the fact that starting an altercation in a police parking lot while in possession of two ounces of marijuana is never a good idea, however, I can’t pass up the opportunity to reiterate that he was captured after a half mile foot chase. Seriously, you’re an NFL defensive back and you can’t even run away from the cops for more then a half mile? That’s sad. Forget the embarrassment to their franchise; the Browns should cut him for performance reasons. (Either that or sign the cop who caught him to a one year deal.)

Good luck in The Jimmy, everyone!

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