Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Return of the Jimmy - 2009

Aloha Friends and JBors,

The JBorhood March Madness Extravaganza (aka the J.M.M.E or "The Jimmy", as we few, we happy few, like to call it) is back! It's your chance to prove, once and for all (for the third year in a row), that pluck, verve, and luck, will triumph over knowledge, experience, an understanding of the basic rules of basketball, extrodinary good looks, and an amazing set of dimples every time.

As always, the winner wins the right to select the topic for a JBorhood article.

So stop sitting back, stop relaxing, and get off your lazy behind and fill out your bracket.

You can access the madness here: http://tournament.fantasysports.yahoo.com/t1/register/joinprivategroup_assign_team?GID=147075&P=jborhood

The password is: jborhood

FYI: After signing up, YOU HAVE TO FILL OUT YOUR BRACKET. Yes, Dad, your ENTIRE bracket. Yahoo does a lot of things, but it's still lagging behind on the technological adoption of telepathic computer systems.

If you have any questions, email me at jborhood@gmail.com. Otherwise, LET THE MADNESS BEGIN!!!

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